00351 913 161 459 info@phdesign.pt

Practical and insightful your own website!

The most important way to attract new customers is through a own website.

But how do you make this attractive without immediately having to deal with sky-high budgets? Because we work with all-rounders who master all disciplines, we can pay a lot of attention to your personal wishes, so that all your ideas can be implemented.

This starts with drawing up a joint step-by-step plan based on an analysis of your business and your target group. Then we will go through all the activities with you step-by-step so that you are not surprised afterwards. This is where we make the real difference with other providers. Clear, unambiguous and you are involved in every part of the process.

Our goal is that you start working with your own website that belongs to you and that you can use it daily without having to ask a consultant to change or implement anything.


Own Website Design

We develop each website individually for your company and based on your needs. We take into account the specific needs of your customers. We involve you in the development from the beginning. We implement simple and convenient, but above all user-friendly tools to make your own website as “google”-friendly as possible.


User interface design – is the business card of your project. It radiates the style and image of your company. We design a quality design of your own website, which is exclusive and convenient to use.

We find the right balance between the subject and the needs of your target audience. It will attract, interest and motivate the visitor to take action, creating a positive impression of the company.


When you need a logo or need it restyled we can develop it for you. A good logo is essential for the recognition and communication of your company/brand.

Every little detail plays an important role in the communication and message of your company. It is important to design a quality logo as it is the most important way to communicate with customers.

The logo improves the memory and perception of the company by customers and it is a recognition mark for partners and suppliers. This allows you to stand out from your competition.


In order to have a well-functioning site, it is important that your content is clear and aligned with the online search behavior of your target audience. We perform a preliminary analysis on how a website can be useful for you. This is all discussed with you step-by-step.

Once the function of the own website is established, the target audience is determined. It is important to understand for whom this site is made, what you can offer and how you can ensure that the audience responds positively to your offer. Based on this information, the sites structure, content, design, functionality and other details are determined. Upon completion, a prototype of the own website is developed and presented.

We take a comprehensive approach to own website promotion using effective internet marketing methods and strategies. We monitor and adjust necessary positions daily, give recommendations on optimizing landing pages and focus only on effective keywords.

Website Development

Our expertise allows us to work with you to achieve successful commercial Internet projects. Development is always done in several phases, with the possibility to refine the first versions. With good development, visitors can be converted into customers. We create positive emotions and a desire to return to your page.


Starting a website from the drawing board seems quite complicated. We take you along from the beginning of this process so that together we can achieve the best result. The process of creating a website (web project) can be divided into 3 phases: planning, design and development. We pay close attention to each phase.

The cooperation between you and us, the objective of the own website and the clear steps we take in this process are the keys to the success of the whole project. In fact, each phase of website creation is precise and serious work for which we feel responsible as a developer.

User Experience design

Every step in the creation of a own website is important for the quality of the website, but the most crucial is the design of the site itself. After all, design is what a visitor sees in the first place, evaluates and decides to stay on the page or close the browser tab. That’s the first impression and feeling.

We start the design with a prototype of your own website. This is the step before the website takes on an aesthetic appearance, executed in your chosen colors. If the company has a corporate identity, the design is developed accordingly.

Or first develop a corporate identity, and then – based on that, design the prototype. If changes are necessary, we carry them out and show the layout to you again. The design is developed in three variations until it is approved.


We also offer own website support. This service implies that , in case of questions and uncertainties we offer you full service aimed at supporting and maintaining your own website. With the help of this service, the stability of the site is regularly checked and updated.

Timely and regular maintenance of your own website increases the value of your content, which determines the success of your site. One-time maintenance per month is recommended for all updates and cleaning up files that are no longer in use. Own website maintenance includes eliminating source errors that occur due to viruses, hacking and other unwanted actions.

Often entrepreneurs need quick and immediate fulfillment of a website for start-up or as a temporary platform to get started.

Many even very complex tasks can often be solved with simple tools.

Therefore, creating and developing a landing page is an inexpensive option that does not take much time and cost.

Nowadays, these landing pages are also often used because they are very suitable for short-term commercial campaigns or for start-ups.


955 €2555 €

We build corporate websites, also called company websites. This is often the first and most extensive contact that a customer sees of your company. A corporate website says a lot about you as an organization.

Therefore, many corporate websites have a multi-functional interface and provide a lot of information.

If necessary, such a site can include a full product catalog, a convenient form for consultation, as well as sections designed for direct ordering of products.
A corporate website is easily expandable. We take into account the growth and needs of your company!


1555 €4555 €


We also create and develop webshops. These are different from an ordinary website.

They are recommended for companies that want to attract customers online and increase their turnover.

The main feature of an online web shop is that it should be possible to connect to such a site software modules that fully automate the buying and selling process.

Starting with the processing of orders and ending with digital reports.


2555 € – 6555 €

Additional Services


We analyze your site, identify and eliminate errors that affect ranking and conversion. We select keywords for effective promotion of your site.

We also add the site to search engines. The display of the site is analyzed.

Unique SEO texts of high quality are written in consultation with you to make your site or a landing page rank higher in search engines.


Redesign is usually done when it becomes clear that the site is outdated and needs updating.

This is a redesign that is not just focused on changing the design of the site.

With this service we can improve the structure, functionality and content to improve the quality of the site and experience.

Graphic Design

We create not just a design, but a design with meaning.

We develop graphic design according to the latest trends and take into account your needs and desires. Direct interaction with you will help us increase the efficiency of our work.

Upon completion you will receive a fully finished graphic object in the required format, as well as its sources.


Even after your own website is online, we are ready to answer all your questions. We use a personal approach.

We keep in direct contact with you at the times and places that are convenient for you.

We offer you operational assistance and discuss possible options. In case of questions, we solve all website tasks – from editing content to populating it.


Years of Experience


Team Projects


Independent Projects

Featured Work

Website Redesign

The Climate for Life Group (CFL Group)


Itho Daalderop and Klimaatgarant are part of CFL Holding, or Climate For Life Holding. Behind the group is the Dutch investment company Parcom. Parcom’s mission is: Unlocking potential.

They help entrepreneurs and management teams realize their ambitions. They see the potential and are dedicated to guiding these companies through sustainable growth or transformation phases.

Website Development


Lantor is part of Cathay Investments Limited, which is a British holding company for a group of companies involved in chemical distribution and other business activities.

Lantor is the expert when it comes to textile solutions in your FRP product. Whether you need the light weight of a monolithic shell piece, or you need to produce products quickly and with optimum surface quality, Lantor has the solution for you!
With our unique microsphere technology, Lantor is able to provide thin core solutions for optimal weight and superior surface quality.

Brands like Coremat®, Soric® and Finishmat® have been household names in the industry for decades and continue to be at the forefront of technology. With our newest additions, Skincore® and Teccore®, Lantor takes the next step in creating smarter compounds.

We take on all kinds of projects, from new ideas to quality results. Every website, every webdesign we undertake, is a favorite and interesting one. We put a piece of ourselves in each of our projects.

What our customers say

Nick Winkelman
Project Leader Digital Marketing
Itho Daalderop

“Valeria is an enthusiastic designer with a lot of passion for her profession. Both with more and less technically inclined people, she can communicate in the right tone. And during or
before testing her designs, she knows how to put any kind of people at ease. I am sure that our project will be a success!”


Remco Geerdink
CFO Probegin B.V.
in the Netherlands and Ukraine

“Valeria works very accurately on her projects and has a great eye for detail.

Designing and making good flows for websites and apps are her specialties, she knows how to quickly adapt to the wishes of the client and the target audience.”


Lisanne Linneman
All in Administratie &
All in Redactie

“Valeria is an incredibly nice woman to work with. She knows her business and always thinks two steps ahead. I hardly have to explain what I want, or she has already worked it out for me. Everything is negotiable and she works very quickly. And not unimportantly, the atmosphere is always good!”

In cooperation with:

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Interface design


User experience (UX) design


Graphic design

SEO optimization

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